A New Song

maybe I’m wrong

maybe I’m right

whatever the fuck

I will never lose my sight

I will never lose my voice

though I’ve been silenced by the night

I will never give up the fight

not by power

not by might

but by the the brilliance of the light

some trust in silver

some trust in gold

some trust only in themselves

many hearts have long grown cold

but I only know one thing

maybe I’m wrong

maybe I’m right

I only sing one song

it’s what my heart longs

to never lose my sight

to never lose my voice

in this crowded world

so many are blind

so many unkind

so many keen on being mean

so many spewing out filth

so many spitting out hatred and lies

and this voice

and this heart

only longs to write this world a love poem

to pen the lyrics to a most beautiful love song

I wanna teach the world a new harmony

I wanna tell the world a new fairy tale

where happily ever after is always now and never after

EVA SANTIAGO © 2018-2024














Fairy Dust Holo X1000  https://www.thecompanyofheavenofficial.com/free-holograms

Hold Your Head Up!

No matter what
Hold your head up
If the wind took your hat
Hold your head up
If the rain drowned out your daisies
Hold your head up
If the moon fell out of your sky and all is pitch black
Hold your head up
If the trees fall upon the dwelling you fought so hard to obtain
Hold your head up
If someone won’t let go your Eggo
Hold your head up
If they smeared your name with bullshit lies
Hold your head up
If you gave away your dignity ’cause you didn’t know any better
Hold your head up
No matter what
Hold your head up!

Eva Santiago © 2016-2024

She said, ” I know you and I wish to unknow you now.” He chuckled as if to frighten her, “Try as hard as you want, you’ll never be rid of me .” She persisted , “Oh watch me! You’re nothing but an old memory and you no longer have power over me !” He stammered, knowing her choice was quickly obliterating what little grip he had left, ” But, but , d-d-don’t you remember we’ve been friends since childhood ?!” She tossed her long locks , laughing and feeling a joy she hadn’t felt since the day she last saw her father alive and answered him, “Oh, I know when I let you in and now I am letting you go for as memory serves me right , you are nothing but an age old enemy whom I’ve let do me more harm than I should have ever.” With that, the old memory picked up his baggage, filled with anxiety, dread and angst, which he’d convinced her for so long was hers, and took off walking in the opposite direction from where she stood . He left no trail of dust .He vanished into oblivion and she arose, a new creature now stood before her. She said the words and new life came . The struggle was indeed over.

Eva Santiago © 2016-2024


We are such strange creatures!

We have to leave, to miss, and to be missed

We need space ,to feel closer to our loved ones

We have to give, to receive

We have to die, to live

We have to have known loss, so we can appreciate abundance

We have to have known darkness, so we can shine brightly through our being

We have to have been lost, to  know the warm feeling of being found

We have to have tasted great hatred, so we can become great lovers

We have to have been buried, so we can sprout back up 

We have to have been cut deeply and wide open, for blood to gush out, ushering in true healing

We have to have been cut, in order to be sutured

We have to have seen chaos, to appreciate harmony

We have to have heard cacophony, so we can  hear beautiful sounds….

EVA SANTIAGO©2015-2024




People lie
That’s all there is to it
When you’ve been lied to
Don’t act like you’re gonna die
Don’t act like you ain’t never told one either
Don’t act like it’s the end of your pristine little world
Be honest:
You’ve lied before too
Faked an orgasm?
That’s a lie
Told your kids about Santa Clause?
That’s a lie
Denied things and wouldn’t face them?
That’s a lie
Broke a promise you’d swore you’d always keep?
That’s a lie too
So stop being a martyr when you catch some one in a lie
Some tell white lies
Some tell big whopping tales
And yet we put lies on some sort of pay grade scale
When fact is: If you didn’t tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth:
So don’t make yourself feel better by down sizing your lie
The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”
The fool says in his heart, ” I only tell white lies.”
Let’s face it: People lie
You don’t have to confess it to a priest
Chances are he lies his ass off too
He’s human just like you and me

Finally, your own truth don’t really matter…our own hearts lie too

When you stand for The TRUTH

Your own truth shrinks and scatters


EVA SANTIAGO© 2014-2024




Things Can Never Be the Same

Things can never be the same
Oh no they can’t
Once a baby is born
It is never the same
The sun rises to kiss a new day
And that day is never the same
The sun sets to cloak the world in a comforting darkness
The moon rises to bring the night brilliance
And the sky is never the same
And the earth is never the same
A girl becomes a woman
And she is never the same
A boy becomes a man
And he is never the same
A student learns knowledge
And he is never the same
A puppy becomes a dog
And that creature is never the same
The sower casts a seed into the ground
And that seed is never the same
The seed sown germinates
And that young seedling is never the same
A rose bud blooms
And that flower is never the same
A child loses her innocence
And she is never the same
The girl falls in love for the first time
And her heart is never the same
The boy falls for her for the first time
And his heart is never the same
The girl becomes his wife
And she is never the same
The boy becomes her husband
And he is never the same
A woman becomes a mother
And she is never the same
The man becomes a father
And he is never the same
The couple has a child
And their lives are never the same
Love turns to hate
And that heart is never the same
Laughter turns to tears
And that soul is never the same
Abuse a heart
Abuse a soul
Abuse a spirit
Abuse a mind
Abuse a body
And that whole being is never the same

Eva Santiago © 2014-2024

END ABUSE X A TRILLION HOLO  https://www.thecompanyofheavenofficial.com/free-holograms

Narcissistic Behavior Buster Holo X 1OOOOOO


TRUE LOVE HOLO https://www.thecompanyofheavenofficial.com/free-holograms



Most people’s sexual energy needs some form of toxicity to be aroused

This is due to the traumas(demonic entities) that exist within them needing to feed off more traumatic energy to continue to exist

Majority of the population’s sexual energy is intertwined with toxic low vibrational root chakra based programming

Thus they choose partners who their subconscious mind(body) know are toxic for them yet good for arousal/sex

This causes you to need pain; neglect; abuse; alcohol, drugs; just to be attracted or aroused by a person

These programs(low vibrational entities) causes you to argue with each other to build the sexual tension and arousal so that you can have low-vibrational make-up sex later

You will always choose the bad boy/bad girl to have sex with instead of the person who is actually healthy for you to be in a relationship with because they won’t be able to sexually satisfy you

They don’t have enough toxicity and trauma to satisfy your emotional needs for chaos and destruction

And the worse case scenario is that you will most likely end up creating a baby out of these low toxicity frequencies with a person who was never designed to have a family with you

Then you will look for someone healthy to create a family with yet your programming is still designed to be aroused by toxicity

So you’ll continue to have an imbalance between what you consciously(mind) desire and what you subconsciously(body) desire

There’s two paths that this leads to; the first path is the path of celibacy because you’re tired of dealing with trauma bonds and low-vibratory relationships/connection; the second path is when you just accepted that this is the way it’s going to be forever ; so you just continue to have low-vibrational sex with toxic people just to get your lust need fulfilled

The first will end up single for majority of their life wondering why they still don’t attract anyone on their frequency who is also sexually compatible

The later ends up with 18 kids from 18 baby daddies/mommies wondering why they can’t seem to find a good and healthy relationship partner

Yet there exist a third path; the path of sexual alchemy and transmutation which allows you to remove the toxicity from your sexual programming so you are no longer attracted to the toxic types

Thots;Strippers, OnlyFans Models,Promiscious Men/Women, Porn Addicts, Cheaters,Gangsters,Drug Dealers/Addicts; Murderers; Jailbirds and Hoodlums, ect will no longer arouse you

You’ll then start to be attracted to healed high-vibrational people who have done the work on themselves to also remove their traumas and toxicity

95% of humanity will no longer become attracted to you yet you’ll start to attract the 5% of people who have actually done the shadow work and sexual alchemy work to reprogram their sexual energy

You’ll finally be able to attract your Divine Lover and form a Divine Relationship

In a society where toxic relationships and trauma bonds are the established norm ; the one who purifies themselves and treats their sexual energy sacred is seen as a rebel











Consciousness Holo https://www.thecompanyofheavenofficial.com/free-holograms

Discernment Enhancement Holo https://www.thecompanyofheavenofficial.com/free-holograms

Relationship Holo https://www.thecompanyofheavenofficial.com/free-holograms



Your communication is no longer going in a straight line or straight beam. It is now a wave communication or pulsating communication. The intention you are sending is repeating itself in time and space like a radar impulse, like the dolphins send impulses. When you concentrate on some work or on communicating with somebody or with some groups, the energy and information is going in circles or whatever round shape we have in multidimensionality.

What it means is there is a break between signals or after every impulse there is a gap. You have to pay attention to this gap and understand that the gaps are actually the pulling power or the moving power of your messages, of your communication. You have the speed you are moving at and you have a direction. The gap is the presence of God, the presence of mighty God creation. The gaps are the carrying frequencies of your messages and communication.

All of your multidimensional spaces are filled with different impulses and gaps coming from all over the universe. Some are sent by and some are received by you. The understanding or the connection happens when these carrying frequencies push the information layer or the impulse layer together with the other impulse layer. This is where the amplification happens. Where the moment of reading and receiving is happening. In other words, you have to over time, feel yourselves as this sending and receiving multidimensional beam.

Understanding now that your sending and receiving techniques are different will help you to get the telepathic connections, telepathic abilities of your bodies to be consciously utilized. You start knowing yourselves as this pulsating, sending, frequency beam, rather than seeing yourselves as a physical body 3D being. By changing this perception of yourselves, by changing the vision of who you are, will change the whole world around you. We will change the whole method of communication with each other.

Quantum physics creates the elements or the particles as a hard particle and a wave. The same with you. You were treating yourselves as a particle or hard matter. Now is the time to treat yourselves as frequencies, as waves that pulsate sending information.

The world around you is ready to communicate with you using this technique. Everything around you is already communicating with this technique. Just look at the birds, how they can immediately change their direction while flying as a flock. Look at the fish in the ocean, how by energetic impulses the whole group of fish are moving around. They are already connected to their information entities or the information aggregator of this particular group of beings.

Now you can understand your energetic connection to each other. This energetic connection goes through the new grids to all of you, through each of you. It is from everyone to everybody and from everybody to everyone through the quantum grids that are now supporting and conducting and giving the scientific component to your communication. It is allowing you now to see how it goes, to be this communication. In other words, you are sending a fractal of yourselves through the universe as you are becoming this fractal communication. You are becoming this energetic signal that you are spreading around you.

Don’t be afraid if you only feel silence in the beginning. At first, it maybe hard to get into the communicating phases. The more you practice the more you learn. The more you try the better your results will be because where you put your intention is where you put the energy of creation. This happens not only for you but for the whole of humanity. The more people practice and try and put their efforts into it, the easier it will be for everybody else to capture and to master.

I am reminding you to communicate on the waves of joy because that is the lightest frequency that can help you not only to send your message but to receive messages as well.

Hugs and love to all of you,

Grandma Chandra


DON’TWORRY BE HAPPY x 100,000 Holo https://www.thecompanyofheavenofficial.com/free-holograms


I saw you

I’ve seen you

I keep seeing you

I’ll always see you

Your struggle is real

You think you suffer alone

Your heart always breaking with every stone

You think you have to endure in silence

Truth be told, you’re the loudest I’ve ever heard yet

Self torture languishing you day after day

You think no one sees and no one cares

You couldn’t be more wrong

To eat the pain is for the strong

Stay away!

Stay the fuck out!

My own beasts must I slay!

As you tangle, strangle and wrangle the bear:

KNOW the pain ends- beauty for ashes

KNOW the misery ends-joy comes in the mourning


Positive Release of Grief Holo



When my four kids were growing up, they would tell me that they were growing and changing; I’d assure them that true growth and change seldom announce themselves. I’d tell them to look at nature for example; you don’t see a tree bellowing, “Hey y’all look at all this fruit I’ve produced for you!”

As this year draws to a close I’m inviting you to look back on this year and see all your big and small triumphs. Our world gives accolades to our big wins yet we are rarely encouraged to celebrate the smaller victories that brought forth that huge success.


Pat yourself on the back for:

Responding to people and situations if you used to give everything a knee jerk reaction

For growing more in your gifts and abilities

For being able to set your feelings aside to allow someone a safe space to heal

For being able to see their point of view

For reigning from your place of pain

For doing what Source called you to do or say

For being able to find the joy and hilarity in situations that once would have tried your soul and your patience

I’ve made a small list and now it’s your turn! Take it all in because your bad ass didn’t just survive the year, you OVERCAME many things and here you are! Your growth is apparent and now it’s time to acknowledge it and carry on!

2024-strengthen your core

allowing the process

receiving all that Source has in store!


Everlasting Life X a Nonillion   https://www.thecompanyofheavenofficial.com/free-holograms